Auto Glass Replacement

The integrity of your auto glass is vital to your safety and that of your passengers. If your vehicle’s windshield or other windows are beyond repair, bring them to Astro Auto Glass for top-quality glass replacement service and the best customer experience.

Glass Replacement or Glass Repair?

Astro Auto Glass offers repair services to help you save money. However, there are times when auto glass repairs may not be enough to ensure visibility and safety.

Before any service begins, our technicians perform a visual inspection of your windows. We may recommend glass replacement if:

  • There are five or more rock chips on the front or rear windshield
  • Any star or chip is in the driver’s direct line of sight
  • There is a crack longer than 12”
  • Regluing or replacing seals is likely to result in glass damage (a problem resulting from poor-quality workmanship)

If you had a rock chip repair done at Astro Auto Glass, and the repair did not hold, we will credit the cost of the repair toward your glass replacement.

What’s Included with Glass Replacement from Astro Auto Glass

When you choose Astro Auto Glass for your glass replacement, you get the best quality work and the best value. We offer:

We confidently stand behind our work because we use industry-preferred Pilkington Glass and our technicians are National Glass Association-certified.

Contact us to get a free glass replacement quote over the phone and schedule service when it’s convenient for you.