Signs of a Poorly Performed Windshield Replacement
Certain types of windshield damage can’t be repaired, which leaves windshield replacement as your only real option. This auto glass service must be performed by knowledgeable professionals using reliable equipment and parts, as windshields play a crucial
A Car Owner’s Guide to Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS)
A safe driving experience requires careful and attentive motorists who respect others sharing the road. Modern technology can also create a safe driving experience, which is why Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) are included in virtually all new vehicles.
How Temperature Fluctuations Can Affect Auto Glass
Auto glass is designed to be rugged and dependable, but it’s important for car owners to safeguard their vehicles against certain threats. While extreme temperatures might not seem like a very serious issue, they can affect auto glass negatively.
How Can Windshield Cracks Affect Safety?
Cracks in your car or truck’s windshield might not seem like a major issue at first glance. This is especially true when damage is relatively minor, which can lull drivers into a false sense of security. Windshield defects must
Do You Need OEM Windshield Glass in Your Vehicle?
When it comes to auto glass replacement, choosing the right parts is key to a job well done. While your repair and replacement specialist can provide more information, you should also know your options so you can make an
How Long Does Windshield Replacement Take?
Substantial damage to a vehicle’s windshield typically requires total replacement. In addition to ensuring visibility, an intact and unblemished windshield is also vital when it comes to vehicle stability during a crash. The good news is that most replacement
Dispelling Common Myths About Windshield Replacement
Windshields play a crucial role in the design of vehicles. That’s why damage and defects must be addressed as soon as possible, as lingering damage can worsen and cause even more serious issues. To ensure that drivers secure the
Best Time to Tint Windows
Having your vehicle’s windows tinted offers practical and aesthetic benefits. Tinted windows keep the interior cool and prevent would-be thieves from spying something valuable in your vehicle. Window tinting also enhances the look of cars and trucks, which means
Dispelling Common Myths About Auto Glass Damage
You probably know that your vehicle’s auto glass is essential to proper visibility. However, windshields and other forms of auto glass also play larger roles in safe driving, which is why proper repairs are so important.
How Do Hot and Cold Temperatures Affect Your Auto Glass?
A crack or chip in your windshield is a major cause for concern. Even seemingly minor defects can affect the safety and stability of auto glass, as well as create hazardous obstructions that may prevent drivers from seeing the